Enchanted by Galáxia's sparkling constellation of flavour, our collection of celestial cocktails is meticulously designed to enhance the unique layers of flavour Galáxia has inherited from the prized characters of The Whiskymaker's Editions series.
Whether you prefer the delicate essence of light fruit flavours, the captivating boldness of aromatic notes or an enchanting bouquet of floral perfume, we have something to delight every palate.
This sparkling whisky apèritif is a gift to to the senses. Infused with a hint of Sloe Gin and strawberry, Eclipse not only enhances the fruity essence of Galáxia but also beautifully harmonises its sherry undertones.
20ml Cloudy apple juice
2tsp Caster sugar
2 Strawberries
60ml Sparkling wine
Garnish with a morello cherry
Muddle the strawberries together with the caster sugar. Add all the strawberries and the rest of the ingredients, except the sparkling wine, into a cocktail shaker. Shake vigorously, then strain to remove the strawberry seeds. Pour into a flute, top with sparkling wine and drop in the morello cherry.
The gentle embrace of chamomile intertwines with the luscious essence of melon in the delicately crafted highball. Serving as the perfect canvas, Cielo masterfully accentuates the floral nuances of Galáxia.
15ml Melonade
10ml Verjus
100ml Chamomile tea
Garnish with a lemon twist
Infuse 1 chamomile tea bag in 200ml of boiling water for 25 minutes (ideally in a teapot; if in a mug cover with cling film to allow brewing). Remove the tea bag and let the infusion cool down to room temperature. Then, add all the ingredients into the glass and continuously stir for 10-12 seconds. Top with ice and garnish with a lemon twist on the rim of the glass.
By skilfully blending Galáxia's creamy sherry notes with invigorating coconut water, Lunaris gracefully enhances Galáxia's smooth Cream and Malt flavour profile. A touch of manuka honey binds all the flavours, imparting a unique texture, while hints of floral and fruit notes dance across the palate.
15ml Harvey's Bristol Cream
60ml Coconut water
1/2 tsp Manuka honey
Garnish with a slice of coconut
Pour all ingredients into a shaker and stir them without ice until the honey is fully dissolved. Then add ice cubes and shake for no more than 5 seconds. Serve straight up and add the small piece of coconut to the rim of the glass.
With dominant notes of spice, complemented by hints of coffee, chocolate, and treacle balanced by a few drops of vanilla and a dash of soy sauce, this unique twist on the Old-Fashioned cocktail acts as the perfect digestif.
10ml Carob syrup
3 drops vanilla extract
1/3 tsp Soy sauce
Garnish with a date
Pour all ingredients into a tumbler and continuously stir for 10-12 seconds. Serve on a large clear ice block and garnish with half a date.