Aspiring to be a responsible business requires a commitment to ask challenging questions and the resolve to make positive change.
At The Lakes, our sense of responsibility is long-standing. From the meticulous renovation of a Victorian model farm to our focus on the innovative elevation of whisky’s flavour, we have built a culture at ease with confronting complex challenges. And, while far from perfect, it is the desire to become the best we can be, for everyone, which drives us toward our goal of making a positive impact on the world.
A whiskymaker with an artistic ethos, we are dedicated to achieving our vision to create a global single malt whisky brand, but not at the expense of other people or the beautiful place we are proud to call home.
Planning for the future
Even with the positive decisions we have made on our journey so far, there is so much more we must do.
Inspired by the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals, we have raised and redefined our ambition as a responsible organisation. Our Ethical Roadmap is a blueprint to stimulate positive change and, with an inclusive approach, make a worthwhile contribution to society.

Valuing people
We endeavour to build a community within The Lakes that values the contribution different people make. Drawing upon their unique experiences will drive innovation and progress:
- Human Rights & Fair Remuneration
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Gender Equality
- Training & Development

Being a responsible creator
Ever increasing, our focus on being a responsible maker and distributor of spirits encompasses the operation of the distillery and building an ethical supply chain:
- Positive Impact on the Environment
- Sustainable Packaging
- Ethical Supply Chain
- Responsible Consumption

Improving Energy Efficiency
Our single biggest impact on the environment, we are committed to moving toward the use of renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency across the business:
- Reducing Carbon Emissions
- Becoming a Carbon Neutral business
- Clean & Sustainable Energy
- Balancing Water Usage

Minimising waste
We are striving to introduce circular production initiatives, eliminate the use of single-use plastic and extend product life-cycles throughout our supply chain:
- Circular Product Initiatives
- No Waste to Landfill
- Zero Single-use Plastic
- Remove Hazardous Waste