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We are a new distillery. To prosper we cannot play safe. We have to be true to the place, willing and happy to take risks, challenge convention, and be imbued with the creative urge to look for the sublime, and not the pretty and nice.
The final whisky must say I Am The Lakes.
Challenging convention doesn’t mean rejecting whisky’s heritage, but respecting it. If the whisky is to be ours, then it has to learn, take from experience of centuries, but also move it on in ways which are appropriate to this distillery. We have to take this model and interpret it our way.
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© The Lakes Distillery, 2024
UK Registered Office: Broughton House, 6-8 Sackville Street, London W1S 3DG.
US Registered Office: The Lakes Distillery Company USA Inc, 1209 Orange Street, City of Wilmington, County of New Castle, Delaware, 19801.
VAT Number: 122612261
Company Registration Number: 07769363